Navigate calmer skies while getting sales on autopilot & increasing customer LTV.

Navigate calmer skies while getting sales on autopilot & increasing customer LTV.

Why Us?

Why Us?


The average partner is proven to grow retention sales by
106.4% in the first 6 months of working with us.

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Safety and security

Relax as we alleviate the stress of managing an in-house
team and the financial uncertainties of hiring and turnover.
We provide you with access to top-tier, world-class talent
that's second to none, removing the risk and ensuring your
peace of mind.

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Pay for results

Not for set-up. Not for an office. Not for 50 employees.
Our philosophy: we make a lot of money when you make
a lot of money.

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Steady growth

We’ll evolve at a pace you can keep up with; we won’t
make a revolution where we scale you up too quickly and
you break the logistic chain.

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Success, driven by math

We don’t rely on luck. We engineer success based on data.
We analyze best-performing campaigns and opportunities
and capitalize on those.

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Magic! (not quite)

We actually read the numbers in your Shopify and Klaviyo accounts and make careful calculations on how to get you from X to Y in retention sales. And then we just do it. Some people call it magic, we call it financial intelligence.

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Our focus is laser sharp. Some clients get offended, but we don’t offer our services to everyone. We’ve got a very specific ideal client type and only offer our services if we are 100% certain that we can help.

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The average partner is proven to grow retention sales by 106.4% in the first 6 months of working with us.

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Safety and security

Relax as we alleviate the stress of managing an in-house team and the financial uncertainties of hiring and turnover. We provide you with access to top-tier, world-class talent that's second to none, removing the risk and ensuring your peace of mind.

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Pay for results

Not for set-up. Not for an office. Not for 50 employees. Our philosophy: we make a lot of money when you make a lot of money.

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Steady growth

We’ll evolve at a pace you can keep up with; we won’t make a revolution where we scale you up too quickly and you break the logistic chain.

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Success, driven by math

We don’t rely on luck. We engineer success based on data. We analyze best-performing campaigns and opportunities and capitalize on those.

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Magic! (not quite)

We actually read the numbers in your Shopify and Klaviyo accounts and make careful calculations on how to get you from X to Y in retention sales. And then we just do it. Some people call it magic, we call it financial intelligence.

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Our focus is laser sharp. Some clients get offended, but we don’t offer our services to everyone. We’ve got a very specific ideal client type and only offer our services if we are 100% certain that we can help.

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...And More Results:

Part of the results we've achieved for our clients. Klaviyo attributed revenue is on the right.
You can see the % of total revenue in brackets.

Part of the results we've achieved for our clients. Klaviyo attributed revenue is on the right. You can see the % of total revenue in brackets.

Our 6 Months Averages

Let’s get introduced!

Stop the Cost Per Acquisition leak per customer. Warm your visitors up with emails that turn leads into loyalty.

In just a quarter-hour, you'll get clear next steps for driving steady and dependable online success for your business via email marketing.

Perfect for businesses ready to:

  • Scale beyond $50k/month.

  • Partner with a trusted email marketing team for the long term.

  • Leverage proven expertise and witness tangible, trackable results.

Let’s get introduced!

Stop the Cost Per Acquisition leak per customer. Warm your visitors up with emails that turn leads into loyalty.

In just a quarter-hour, you'll get clear next steps for driving steady and dependable online success for your business via email marketing.

Perfect for businesses ready to:

  • Scale beyond $50k/month.

  • Partner with a trusted email marketing team for the long term.

  • Leverage proven expertise and witness tangible, trackable results.

We make our partners an average of $1214.88 per day. Why wait to book a call till tomorrow?

Contact us:


18 Yuriy Venelin Str

Gabrovo, Bulgaria, EU, 5300

Established with love in Bulgaria