3 months


more sales in the first
2 weeks of working together


more revenue from Klaviyo
compared to last year


generated in only 90 days


3 months


more sales in the first

2 weeks of working together


more revenue from Klaviyo

compared to last year


generated in only 90 days


RiiRoo is one of the most trusted ride-on toy companies
in the United Kingdom.

Industry: Ride-on Toys
Business size:  £5-10M/ per year



RiiRoo is one of the most trusted
ride-on toy companies in the
United Kingdom.

Industry: Ride-on Toys

Business size: £5-10M/ per year



Des is the company's marketing head, and naturally, that comes with many responsibilities. Before we joined, he had to cover many fronts - from paid advertising through blogging and website updates to email marketing. 

As Des had to look after all channels, he did not have the time to invest and optimise the Klaviyo account according to best practices. 

He and the management team had been looking for professional help for a while but with no luck.


Des is the company's marketing head, and naturally, that comes with many responsibilities. Before we joined, he had to cover many fronts - from paid advertising through blogging and website updates to email marketing. 

As Des had to look after all channels, he did not have the time to invest and optimise the Klaviyo account according to best practices. 

He and the management team had been looking for professional help for a while but with no luck.

“It’s very hard to trust an agency - an agency that you don’t know” - Des says.




When we joined their team, RiiRoo was only doing 7-10% of their revenue through email and retention marketing.

When we joined their team, RiiRoo was only doing 7-10% of their revenue through email and retention marketing.

RiiRoo did not have a functioning system to collect potential customers that land on their website through
pop-ups / sign-up forms. The only subscribers they collected were the ones who placed an order on the checkout page. As a result, they were losing 50-60 potential customers per day.

RiiRoo did not have a functioning system to collect potential customers that land on their website through pop-ups / sign-up forms. The only subscribers they collected were the ones who placed an order on the checkout page. As a result, they were losing 50-60 potential customers per day.

They did not use much segmentation - instead, they were sending emails to the entire list. This was hurting
their deliverability (emails landed in spam), and stopped their messages from reaching their audience.

Their open rate was around 20%, click rates were about 0.25%.

They did not use much segmentation - instead, they were sending emails to the entire list. This was hurting their deliverability (emails landed in spam), and stopped their messages from reaching their audience.

Their open rate was around 20%, click rates were about 0.25%.

Core flows (automations), such as the Welcome Series, were missing.

Core flows (automations), such as the Welcome Series, were missing.

A basic setup was in place, even though the account was ready for an intermediate-advanced strategy.

A basic setup was in place, even though the account was ready for an intermediate-advanced


We built a custom strategy to tackle all of these problems. 

Goal #1: Double Klaviyo attributed revenue ASAP.
Goal #2: Retain that success long-term.

Our strategy included:

1) Creating sign-up forms optimised for conversions
(grow the email list)

2) building a consistent campaign calendar (to drive sales)

3) Segmenting the list to improve deliverability

4) optimising the flows per best practices 

5) Adding more flows

6) Adding more retention channels (such as SMS, subscriptions, Loyalty and Rewards, Direct Mail, etc)


We built a custom strategy to tackle all of these problems. 

Goal #1: Double Klaviyo attributed revenue ASAP.

Goal #2: Retain that success long-term.

Our strategy included:

1) Creating sign-up forms optimised for conversions (grow the email list)
2) building a consistent campaign calendar (to drive sales)
3) Segmenting the list to improve deliverability
4) optimising the flows per best practices 
5) Adding more flows
6) Adding more retention channels (such as SMS, subscriptions, Loyalty and Rewards, Direct Mail, etc)

“To be honest with you, we’ve worked with other agencies previously, and we’ve not really seen this level of professionalism from the other agencies that we’ve actually worked with”



We successfully tripled sales from 7 to 21% attributed revenue in the first two weeks of working with RiiRoo.

We successfully tripled sales from 7 to 21% attributed revenue in the first two weeks of working with RiiRoo.

Three months later, revenue is at almost 30% attributed revenue to Klaviyo.

Three months later, revenue is at almost 30% attributed revenue to Klaviyo.

The amount of revenue is in the six figures, 168% higher than last year.

The amount of revenue is in the six figures, 168% higher than last year.

“It goes way beyond what we thought we were gonna do with you guys” - Des says.

11k from SMS:

11k from SMS:

5646 placed orders in the first three months - 12.09% better than last year.

5646 placed orders in the first three months - 12.09% better than last year.

  • Open rates doubled from 20 to 40-45%

  • Click rates quadrupled from 0.225% to around 1%

  • Open rates doubled from
    20 to 40-45%

  • Click rates quadrupled from 0.225% to around 1%

We’ve tripled revenue per recipient from £0.07 to £0.24 (so each subscriber is now worth more to us; we are increasing the customer lifetime value; considering the fact that we’ve got 103 341 subscribers as per today, that’s really good growth).

We’ve tripled revenue per recipient from £0.07 to £0.24 (so each subscriber is now worth more to us; we are increasing the customer lifetime value; considering the fact that we’ve got 103 341 subscribers as per today, that’s really good growth).

5142 new subscribers over the first three months of working together - 692.3% more
compared to the same period last year.

5142 new subscribers over the first three months of working together - 692.3% more compared to the same period last year.

Email Conversion rate increased by 180%!

Email Conversion rate increased by 180%!


All of these results were accomplished over the weakest period in eComm - Jan-March (Q1); we cannot wait to see how these results translate into Q4 - the strongest period of the year!

As a result of working with us, Des now has more time to focus on marketing efforts outside of email and retention marketing.

All of these results were accomplished over the weakest period in eComm - Jan-March (Q1); we cannot wait to see how these results translate into Q4 - the strongest period of the year!

“Looking really forward to the next 3 months, next 6 months, next 9 months…” - Des

All of these results were accomplished over the weakest period in eComm - Jan-March (Q1); we cannot wait to see how these results translate into Q4 - the strongest period of the year!

“We were absolutely blown away by how quickly things started happening… We had good feelings at the beginning, but we really didn’t realise just how well it is gonna go”


  • Increase attributed revenue to potentially 30-40%

  • Deepen customer relationships


  • Work on advanced flows

  • Continue A/B testing sign-up forms, campaigns,

    and flows for maximum conversions

  • Introduce push marketing

  • Introduce direct Mail… and more!


  • Increase attributed revenue to potentially 30-40%

  • Deepen customer relationships


  • Work on advanced flows

  • Continue A/B testing sign-up forms, campaigns, 
and flows for maximum conversions

  • Introduce push marketing

  • Introduce direct Mail… and more!



Get people to come back, and buy again and again, putting RiiRoo top of mind whenever they think of a ride-on toy company in the UK (like Apple, but for ride-on toys).

Get people to come back, and buy again and again, putting RiiRoo top of mind whenever they think of a
ride-on toy company in the UK (like Apple, but for ride-on toys).


We decided to calculate what it cost RiiRoo for not taking the step to hire us sooner.

Cost of inaction for 365 days:

  • if we had come on board one year earlier, this brand would have earned an extra £1-1,5M

  • Cost of inaction pm - £83k - £125k

  • Cost of inaction pd - £2,7k - £4,1k


We decided to calculate what it cost RiiRoo for not taking the step to hire us sooner.

Cost of inaction for 365 days:

  • if we had come on board one year earlier, this brand would have earned an extra £1-1,5M

  • Cost of inaction pm -

    £83k - £125k

  • Cost of inaction pd -
    £2,7k - £4,1k



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We are looking for more success stories to put on our client wall of fame!

Will yours be next?

Let’s find out!

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Stop the Cost Per Acquisition leak per customer. Warm your visitors up with emails that turn leads into loyalty.

In just a quarter-hour, you'll get clear next steps for driving steady and dependable online success for your business via email marketing.

Perfect for businesses ready to:

  • Scale beyond $50k/month.

  • Partner with a trusted email marketing team for the long term.

  • Leverage proven expertise and witness tangible, trackable results.

Let’s get introduced!

Stop the Cost Per Acquisition leak per customer. Warm your visitors up with emails that turn leads into loyalty.

In just a quarter-hour, you'll get clear next steps for driving steady and dependable online success for your business via email marketing.

Perfect for businesses ready to:

  • Scale beyond $50k/month.

  • Partner with a trusted email marketing team for the long term.

  • Leverage proven expertise and witness tangible, trackable results.

We make our partners an average of $1214.88 per day. Why wait to book a call till tomorrow?

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18 Yuriy Venelin Str

Gabrovo, Bulgaria, EU, 5300

Established with love in Bulgaria